Thursday, May 24, 2007

My soul whispers

The birds are talking to each other, offering their morning greetings. Swallows, sparrows, mourning doves, and the black bird like species whose name I do not know, but whose cawing I've come to recognize. A mist covers the sea I contemplate from my terrace and a cool breeze comes from levante - the East - and tickles my face.

A rare morning with no school runs to make, appointments to get to, exercise class to attend, errands to tend to. It is glorious, this

quiet morning to myself for writing and reflection. Silence, stillness allows me to finally hear the birds and hear my soul. It is aching to talk to me but lately the ringing in my ears drowns out my soul's whispers. Now I feel them stirring, the ringing has disappeared, I can close my eyes, calm my breathing and listen. I want to hear my soul, hear God's inner voice, feel His wisdom, recognize His blessings. My soul knows it already, I just have to listen.

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