Friday, June 27, 2008

GOOOOOL! Football Unites!

Spain has been on it's non-relenting quest for the European Cup Football (soccer) championship since late May. The games in the qualifying rounds were all won easily, to qualify for quarter finals. Bit by bit Spanish flags began to appear on balconies and red Spain t-shirts became more prevelant. Spain won the quarter final game against our 80 year nemesis Italy, in a penalty kick shoot out in overtime. Trumpets and noise makers were blown, horns honked in plazas and on the streets, cheers and chants shouted off balconies and out back yards. More flags appeared on houses and aptartment terraces and cars begin to don the gold and red flag.
Tonight Spain beat Russia 3-0 in semi-finals to qualify for the final against Germany on Sunday for the first time in I don't know how many decades. More flags, a sea of red shirts, more noise making and celebrating, by basques, caltalans and everyone in bewteen. Our nationalist differences are set aside for a glorious few weeks to support our national football team and display a Spanish patriotism that is rarely visible and usually criticized when done so in non-sports circumstances.

What a glorious thing this Football that unites. More parties, more celebrations, more joy and a united Spain. GOOOOOOL!!! España! PODEMOS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.