Monday, June 23, 2008


I am a Storyteller,
a provocateur of thought and reflection

Buried in my soul,
is the one of me that seeks to offer joy, inspire hope, awaken dreams

I transform my transparent self
into a magical mysterious enchantress
capable of casting a spell of new insight and understanding

There are tales
from ancient times and distant lands that I have been told to tell

This is one of my Sacred Contracts
to share different cultures, open doors, ignite imaginations,
and awaken understanding

I am a Storyteller,
a provocateur of thought and reflection


White Rose said...

I loved Sacred contract, there is something sacred about storytelling.

"This is one of my Sacred Contracts
to share different cultures, open doors, ignite imaginations,
and awaken understanding"

it does this and so much more!

nicely done!

Mediterranean Views said...

Thank you for the lovely feedback. Sacred Contracts as in the book of the same name by Carolyn Myss, where I came to understand so much more about myself and my "sacred contracts".