Monday, January 14, 2008

Exercise Update

It felt GREAT to be back in the pool after having been away for months since the indoor facility was closed for reapirs. Although my back hurts (long term results from a herniated disc operation 18 yrs ago and lack of recent exercise) and there are some sore muscles, it feels good. In my New Years resolution to look at the positive in all situations, the soreness is an indication that I am exercising again, which my middle age body needs to work best, and that I have taken the first step in getting into a shape where there will be less pain. All positive things. Not to mention how the quiet alone time under water helps my mental health too! Yes this is healthy living.


Taffiny said...

Happy healthy living. :)

Though you are sore, I am glad it is going well.

It has taken me 5 days to feel moveable again after playing Wii with my son. (I'll have to look into some other sort of fitness routine)

Unknown said...

You're making me feel guilty! Now that my health is so much improved, it is high time I got my middle aged body back to the gym! :-)

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Come on over to Bonnie’s Books ( Dress up because I’m having an awards ceremony complete with gala. And do bring along your acceptance speech, though the producers are asking that each person receiving an award please limit your speech to five minutes ... save your longer comments for your own blog, when you pass along the award(s).

Vesper said...

I miss this feeling, Amy, the mixture of muscle pain and high energy, physical and spiritual. I'm glad for you! Keep doing it! I hope your back gets better.

Bonnie Jacobs said...
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Bonnie Jacobs said...

Amy, I need help with the Spanish word for "computer." Could you possibly answer my question?

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Thanks, Amy, for responding to my request for help with the Spanish word for computer. Here's where I posted a joke about a Spanish class trying to decide if the word should be masculine or feminine:

The choice was between "la computadora" (feminine) and "el computador" (masculine).

From what you wrote, it looks to me like "ordenadores" and "computadores" are both masculine. Is that right?

I asked a Spanish teacher and thought he said "computadora" (feminine), but I may have misunderstood him. I didn't see the word in writing because I was standing there talking to him, and I'm a visual person.

When you find this question, if you like: emerging dot paradigm at yahoo dot com.

By the way, I miss reading your blogs. I hope you find the time to get back to them one of these days. Thanks for responding.

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