Friday, January 4, 2008

I did it again

I did it again, I went visiting my blog friends when I had some time for myself, and I spent so much time, reading, commenting, and linking that I didn't do any of my own writing or reading that I had planned to do as soon as I just "stopped by" a couple of favorites. Now my husband has returned, my daughters will soon need to be picked up from their outings, and the calm, silence for reading novels and reflective writing, which I was finally getting to, has been interrupted. I did it again, I enjoyed it, but it kept me from other important activities..I'll no doubt repeat it again soon......
sounds like a possible addiction, what do you think?


Unknown said...

Ha, I know this feeling all too well! My new year's intentions have to be less blog visiting and a lot more focusing on my writing! :-)

Taffiny said...

yeah I find that too. I miss it, miss the people, when I don't go blog visiting, and somedays I can just quickly go through and then move on, but mostly I am amazed at how long it takes me, and wonder "where did my day go?"

I keep telling myself I need to do my writing and novel reading first. And try and fit some blog time in while the family is home, rather than hitting the blogosphere first. I know it, I know that would be best, I just haven't done it that way.

Mediterranean Views said...

Taffiny, I hear ya'.....ditto