Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Look - New Entries

Yes, I have been absent for awhile, two months since my last entry. Let's see if new colors lead to new inspirations, new thoughts, new musings. The newness of Spring, oh no - the nuisence of Spring too. It always brings alergies (to these beautiful but hateful Mimosa trees), physical tiredness, the agitation of March winds.
Our winter has been unusually cold and wet. Those lovely crisp sunny days have been few and far between and my spirit misses them and the motivation they bring to be outside, to walk, to be warmed and energized by the sun, to create.

Thank goodness I live here, I will hold hope that the weekend will bring back the sun, and my herb treatments will hold the allergy symptoms at bay.


J.C. Montgomery said...

Welcome Back!

I like the blog's new look.

It snowed here this morning, so my allergies are being held at bay for at least another week or two. If they get bad, I may ask you about those herbs you use.

Mediterranean Views said...

Thanks for stopping by. Loved your Biblio-brat blog. Will stop by more frequently. Thought your birthday sounded WONDERFUL!
Will look for your review of Love in the Time of Colera. I read it in Spanish and in stages over a year,(many years ago) but had to finish it.